Blog Post

Apart, Together

rschnur • Mar 18, 2020

Mass Cooperation

These are unprecedented times.  Most of us are bombarded with news, rumors, and unforseen changes that leave us reeling. The need for "social distancing" can lead us to feel more alone and anxious than ever.  So I encourage you to remember that HOW we think about something has a huge impact on how we feel.  Think of the current restrictions and requirements around social distancing not as a source of isolation but as a universal call for action --  this is all of us working together to protect all of us.  Neighbors protecting neighbors.  Individuals protecting the community.  Each of us protecting each other.  In fact, our "distancing" is a uniting force.  By temporarily staying apart, we will all come through this together.  
Wishing all of you good health, peace of mind, and much love as we navigate this part of our journey together. ♥ RS
By 7016277837 23 Dec, 2022
The clinicians and staff at Paragon join together in wishing you all the happiest of holidays. May your new year bring you joy, health, love, and peace. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ We were so happy to be able to gather together to share in a little holiday celebration. Good food (and lots of it!), good company, a birthday cake, and a special visit from a 16-month-old made the day so special. Pictured clockwise from top left: Jill D (admin), Briana A (med assistant), Monica C (admin), Randi S (practice owner and psychologist), Amy M (therapist), Jason P (therapist), Zack D (nurse practitioner), Ellen M-P (therapist), Kat T (nurse practitioner), Amber B (admin), MaryAnn K (nurse practitioner) and Alyse S (therapist). Missing from the picture but joining us in spirit (and on Zoom) - Jackie M (nurse practitioner), Erin M (therapist)
By 7016277837 19 Dec, 2022
May this holiday season bring joy and light to each of you ♥
By 7016277837 24 Nov, 2022
Warmest wishes to you all for a joyful Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, gratitude and abundance ♥ ~RS
By 7016277837 01 Nov, 2022
Our fabulous administrative staff is always here to help! :)
By 7016277837 19 Jun, 2022
Yes, this picture agan. I know, I post this year after year, it seems. Somehow I can't find anything that hits me like this one does. I read something -- not my words -- that resonated and that I thought just belonged with this picture. This is an edited exerpt from a little blog by Fia Skye of Flying Edna: "There are these designated days when a group of someones at some point in time decided we all should celebrate "moms" and "dads" on one specific date - but I think it's a silly idea. Because I find that I remember their love, their sacrifices, their frustrations, failures, triumphs, and willingness at the oddest moments. Not always on birthdays or anniversaries, on calendar holidays or when someone tells me I ought to. It's the little moments on random days..... when I glance out the window and see a parent grimacing and running with one hand on the back of the bike seat and a wild haired child with her hands on the handle bars, pedaling furiously smiling into the wind... I think of all the many ways we come to learn this or that, and I realize there is no reason to wait to celebrate the people that taught me something worth remembering." So today and every day, celebrate those people who taught you something worth remembering ♥
By 7016277837 15 Jun, 2022
Sometimes it can seem like there are so many we have to look a little harder for the light. ♥
By 7016277837 19 May, 2022
What, you thought it would be straightforward? :) ♥
By 7016277837 16 Apr, 2022
Each of us, and each new day, is nothing short of a miracle
By 7016277837 10 Apr, 2022
Cracked or crumbled or crunchy or soft or broken or crispy or soft --- you're perfect, cookie ♥
By 7016277837 08 Mar, 2022
Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.
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